CHARLOTTE, NC - Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP is pleased to announce that Christian H. Staples of the Charlotte, North Carolina office, was a panelist on the Young Lawyer’s Division Panel at the “Professionalism for New Admittees” Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Program on Saturday, September 28, 2013 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The CLE program was a mandatory state bar program for all new lawyers. As part of the panel, Christian discussed issues related to ethics and professionalism that can arise for new lawyers, and answered questions from newly licensed attorneys.
Christian is an associate and member of the litigation practice area. He received his J.D. from Campbell University and his B.A. from Wake Forest University.
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Founded in 1925, Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP is a full service business law firm with more than 225 attorneys practicing in Toledo and Columbus, Ohio; Tampa and Sarasota, Florida; and Charlotte, North Carolina.