We partner with investors, lenders, EPC contractors, installers, and manufacturers to bring their solar projects to light.
As solar power claims an ever-growing share of electric power generation across the United States and Latin America, the commercial and regulatory landscape is in a state of constant flux, placing heavy demands on all solar industry participants. We make client success our highest priority, providing guidance and assistance in connection with utility-scale photovoltaic systems and solar technology. To address project concerns, drive down costs per watt, and maximize clients’ returns on investment, we leverage our solar-specific experience and industry relationships, as well as our knowledge of the latest developments in solar project development, financing, and construction.
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP’s Solar practice draws on firmwide resources to provide clients with the full range of services. Lawyers in our Intellectual Property practice regularly help inventors of renewable energy technologies and construction methodologies secure and protect their assets, while our Chambers-ranked Corporate practice handles solar-related mergers and acquisitions. In addition, we provide general counsel representation on a wide range of matters—from employment law and corporate finance to commercial and construction litigation—that affect solar company clients.
Our Clients
- Tax equity, venture capital, and other key investors
- Lending institutions
- Power purchasers, including utilities and corporations
- Independent power producers
- EPC contractors
- Engineering firms
- Subcontractors, including electrical and mechanical scopes
- Module, inverter, and balance-of-system innovators and manufacturers
Our Services
- Initial feasibility
- Due diligence and risk management, including site acquisition, title, environmental, zoning, and entitlement review and analysis
- Risk management
- Project finance, including venture capital funding
- Forming the project-level entity and assisting with subsequent mergers and acquisitions
- Planning for federal, state, and local taxation
- Obtaining environmental permits
- Obtaining zoning approvals and land-use entitlements
- Transmission and distribution-level interconnection
- PPA drafting, review, and negotiation
- Construction contract review, drafting, and negotiation for EPC contractors and installers
- Assistance with construction issues, liens, and labor and employment disputes