"Regulation D and A/A+ Basics, Updates, & Ethical Considerations," Business Law Section of the Florida Bar CLE Program

Tampa Partner Will Blair participated in a CLE panel for the Business Law Section of the Florida Bar entitled "Regulation D and A/A+ Basics, Updates, & Ethical Considerations." During the program, Will discussed two of the primary federal laws that govern what companies can and can’t do when it comes to selling their securities; The Securities Act of 1933 and the 1934 Securities and Exchange Act (Securities laws). Many practitioners that work with businesses engage in securities work without even knowing it and are ethically required to be aware of these regulations at least at a basic level. Will and fellow panelist, Rebecca DiSteffano, covered two of the most commonly used regulations exemptions from securities registration that are relied upon by practitioners when advising their business clients on private sales of securities; Regulation D and Regulation A/A+. The CLE gave a basic sense of what companies need to know when raising capital, as well as provide recent updates that went into effect recently. For more information visit the Business Law Section of the Florida Bar website found here
