Florida Bar Health Law Section, "Health Care Regulatory & Compliance 2023"

Grant Dearborn and Reinaldo Gomez de la Vega participated in the Florida Bar Health Law Section’s annual continuing legal education (CLE) program on Health Care Regulatory & Compliance. Grant co-chaired and presented at the program and Reinaldo moderated a panel discussion. The Regulatory and Compliance seminar focused on challenges the health care industry faces in trying to provide high quality services to patients. This was the 10th annual presentation of the program, and speakers will discuss current issues that keep health care lawyers up at night and in demand.

The Health Law Section of The Florida Bar is devoted to supporting health law practitioners throughout the state. The Section provides a means to communicate with and educate others to further improve health law practice. The Health Law Section also assists the general public and The Florida Bar by handling the professional needs and goals in the field of health law. Activities of the Section include case-law updates, providing easy access to health lawyers’ client alerts and newsletters, recording the numerous county and local health law association meetings throughout the state, and publishing CLE papers and other informational documents. The Section is organized into Divisions and Standing Committees and is governed by an Executive Council. Joining the Health Law Section requires submitting an application for regular membership or an application for affiliate membership. If you have ideas for ways to get even more value out of your Section membership, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Health Law Council.
