"The ABC’s of the Florida Construction Lien Law: What You Need to Know to Make the Lien Law Work for You," Gulf Coast Builders Exchange (GCBX)

  • 03.02.2022

Sarasota Partners Brett Henson and Christopher Staine will be presenting a Lunch and Learn on March 2, 2022 for the Gulf Coast Builders Exchange (GCBX): The ABC's of the Florida Construction Lien Law: What You Need to Know to Make the Lien Law Work for You. Topics to be covered include:

  • Purpose of the Lien Law and identification of those afforded coverage under the Lien Law;
  • Types of property interests subject to the Lien Law;
  • How to properly perfect a claim of lien and when to record a claim of lien;
  • Owner defenses to a claim of lien and how to maintain a lien in response to those defenses; and
  • Penalties for overstated or incorrect claim of lien.

Click here to learn more or register: https://gcbx.org/event-4695140
