Shumaker Commits to Mansfield Rule 2023-2024, Reaffirming Commitment to Cultivating an Inclusive Culture

TOLEDO, OH — Shumaker is seeking Mansfield Rule certification in 2023-2024, reaffirming its commitment to cultivating a diverse and inclusive culture that actively works towards eliminating barriers within the legal profession. Shumaker is one of more than 360 law firms participating in the program.

“Shumaker is honored to join the Mansfield Rule and embrace its principles of diversity and inclusion. By committing to this groundbreaking initiative, we confirm our dedication to creating a more inclusive legal profession and an environment where all of our lawyers feel they can thrive,” said Julio Esquivel, Chair of Shumaker’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion. “We are excited to foster an inclusive culture where every individual's talents and contributions are recognized and valued, which we are certain will lead to the best results possible for our clients."

Overseen by Diversity Lab, the Mansfield Rule seeks to increase and sustain diversity in law firm leadership by broadening the pool of candidates considered for leadership and governance roles, equity partner promotions, formal client pitch opportunities, and senior lateral positions. To achieve Mansfield certification, participating firms must affirmatively consider at least 30 percent female lawyers, underrepresented racial and ethnic lawyers, LGBTQ+ lawyers, and lawyers with disabilities for the aforementioned roles and opportunities. Participating firms must also develop and publish leadership job descriptions and election/appointment guidelines to ensure transparency in historically opaque advancement processes.

“Diversity and inclusion is a top priority at the firm, and we look forward to working with Diversity Lab, other peer law firms, and diversity and inclusion thought leaders so that we may be held accountable and driven to stay focused on diversifying our leadership and equity partner ranks at Shumaker,” said Kate Decker, Vice Chair of Shumaker’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion.

Shumaker’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion supports the firm’s culture of inclusion, as do its numerous initiatives, including the Shumaker Women’s Leadership Initiative, Diversity Scholarship, and Undergraduate Diversity Science Scholarship. Shumaker is also a member of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity.
